Friday, December 12, 2008

Grand Ave Time Shares...

Thursday, this week was rather memorable. The entire day was full of exciting new and different things. I started out headed to my old stomping grounds, my former used car lot. I needed to pick up some paper work there and more or less keep my shrinking grasp on the place where my business license hangs. With my absence the place is taking on a strong resemblance to a junk yard. Although Paul, the owner is trying to sell cars off of it, his cars resemble an "as is" headquarters for head on collisions. Along with these wrecked cars, he accumulates any and everything that is out of repair, such as washers and dryers that he finds along side the roads, old barbecues that don't work, a weight lifting bench missing a leg and bicycles that have been misused or run over by a large truck. No order or semblance of care taken, just tossed onto the pile. What Paul really needs is a good fire!

As I pulled onto the lot, following the only clear path to his shop door, there was Paul measuring something with a T-square on a saw horse. Along side of my cleared out path stood a pile of lumber, 2 X 8's, 12 feet long, that stood about 10 feet tall. That amount of cut lumber in this economy must be worth thousands of dollars and it was all first grade wood. I yelled to Paul, who was bent over measuring something, where'd all the wood come from? He pointed across the street to the yard next door where there is a pallet business. Paul proudly announced that he got it all for $500. Then he told me to look between the trailers. There are 2 trailers on the property, one was my office until Paul stole the compressor for the air conditioning, for his new trailer that sat directly behind it. The trailers aren't even there legally, as the property is zoned commercial and not for human occupancy.

I walked back to look between the trailers and to my surprise, Paul had built a sun deck out of the 2 X8's that reached from one trailer to the other and smack dab in the middle of the whole thing, theres a hot tub, complete with Jacuzzi jets and a heater. Involuntarily, my hand went up to my head as I thought, God only knows what he has in mind. Upon rejoining Paul and Bob, an old guy that just hangs out there, I asked if he was going into the time share business? This was a redneck paradise. I don't think I won anyones favor as I rolled on the ground, holding my stomach and laughing.. It was only on my way home that I called the Lovely Jules to tell her about my discovery. She asked me if I got a picture with my camera phone. Laughing, I told her I barely know how to use it as a phone, let alone a camera.


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