Thursday, October 1, 2009

Sour Milk Syndrome...

Like so many mornings, I do my thing. I open my eyes, thank God for giving me one more day and start to think about my plans for the morning. Today, I must make the house ready for the people that were no-shows last evening with a call from their realtor saying that they just didn't have time to fit me in, about 2 hours after they were have to been here. He asked if this morning will be okay and I said sure, but how will I know that you'll be here? He replied, because we're making an appointment right now??? He didn't understand my sarcasm. So, I dashed to the John and ran the water to brush my teeth, took a shower, washed my hair and shaved for the no-shows and scurried down the stairs with nothing in mind, but my first cup of coffee. I turned on the the coffee maker and the computer and fired up my cell phone. The computer announced about 4 emails or jokes and the cell phone gave me 2 text messages and the coffee maker gurgled out it's last drops of coffee. I took the gallon of milk out of the fridge, poured a cup of coffee and poured the milk into my coffee, only to see it curdle on top of my drink of desperation... With unbelieving eyes, I stood and looked at the curdled milk floating in my coffee and thought: This might not be that good of a day!

That's when I went out into the backyard and felt the cool breeze and realized, it's over! Summer here lasts for about 6 months and when it's over, you can feel the first of the cool breezes. That breeze might just be in the high 80's or low 90's but it's a start and the triple digits are over!

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