Thursday, September 2, 2010

Oral Surgery...

I just got home from my visit to Jeffrey Greene DDS. I found him to be gentle, HONEST, expensive, but realistic. I certainly wasn't expecting to hear the bad news he gave me today. We had a heart to heart talk about how he acquired his practice and my current situation and he laid the bad news on me. He began with, he never thought he'd hear himself say this about another dentist, but I should contact an attorney about medical mal-practice! With my mouth agape and not from the examination, I asked what was wrong. Rather than explain it, he showed me my ex-rays of my teeth that Lloyd allegedly worked on, but destroyed. All of the teeth that he worked on, he drilled right through the tooth into the bone and filled the bone with dental filler. The filler is considered a foreign object to the human body and it is creating infection to combat it. I need to remove all of the teeth and have oral surgery to scape the filler out of the bone and all of this out of my personal pocket and my personal mouth! He also said that due to bone loss, it was just for Lloyd's personal financial benefit that he was selling me crowns and root canals for teeth that did not have enough bone left to support them. So I'm personally frustrated and am awaiting a letter from Jeff, my new dentist, that I can send off to the Chase Bank, then the Arizona Board of Dentistry, because according to my new guy, Lloyd should NOT be practicing dental medicine. Well, that explains why he won't answer my calls. He's required by law to inform a patient of the errors he made so I may take action to correct it. He's hiding under a rock, instead. As much as I don't want to create havoc on a guy that is already suffering, Lloyd left me no choice. Jeff says the temporary fillings I have in place should last long enough to give me some time to get used to the idea of having all of the teeth extracted and replaced with artificial means, either implants or a partial plate. Damn it!

1 comment:

Jamie said...

Well holy crap...

I am so sorry, this really is crap.

Ugh. Big hugs.