Wednesday, March 30, 2011

A Frightening Thought...

So I'm sitting around tonight, thinking about a few things, when for some reason my Driver's License pops into my head. Remember when you used to have to get it renewed every 4 years or so, until they changed all that and finally issued everyone licenses that were good forever. Well not really forever, but until you get old, right? When mine was issued, it was good for like 20 more years or some such thing. I think you didn't have to renew it until you turned 65, I think. Suddenly a panic went through me like a chill, because on this past Saturday, I DID turn 65. I bolted for my wallet, (As fast as a 65 year old can bolt, which is not that much like lightning, to be honest) and sure as shit, it's currently expired. Been expired for 3 days now. Today I drove my old Corvette around the block, laid rubber and everything. Did a couple of donuts. Good thing no cops have stopped me on about 10 years, huh?

Now here's my question. Will I have to take the driver's test all over again, with the book and all? After 50 years of driving, no way will I be able to pass that test! Let me know...

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